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This type of music is one of my guilty pleasures. In a day of posers, where cowboys wouldn’t know a fetlock from a fret, Michael Monroe Goodman delivers the style of country music that takes you back to the rich roots. He teams up with Jesse Woelfel/b, Billy Bob Shaffer/dr, Brian Wilkie/ped, Greg Hirte/fid, and Evan Dain/banj as he sings, picks and grins through stories of America, life, love and redemption.

The he and the band can sound gritty with Stevie Berek’s harmonica on “It Never Rains” but most of the time he’s on a happy two step stomp as the pedal steels fly on Grand Ol’ Opry-ish tunes like “I’m Just Country “ and “Wretched Woman.” His voice sounds like he’s been on a ride with Walter Brennan as on the VFW fiddled “Concerts in my Underwear” , can howl like Walter Huston on “Rosine I Cry” and can go as intimate as a campfire with acoustic guitar on “She Was Mine.” He talks about his own simple life, saved by grace on the title track, and unlike most artists these days, you believe it. Gotta see this guy!